Masai Mara Park Entrance Fees

Planning a safari to the legendary Masai MARA National Reserve is an adventure of a lifetime for many travellers. But before you set off to witness the Great Migration or spot the Big Five in their natural habitat, understanding the intricacies of entrance park fees is essential for a smooth and fulfilling experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the Masai Mara Park entrance fees, ensuring that your safari adventure is as spectacular as the landscapes and wildlife of Africa’s cherished wilderness.

Updated Entry Park Fee 2024/2025

Masai Mara Entrance Park fees were revised as at mid of Oct 2023 by the Maasai Mara Management Plan, i.e.  the Greater Masai Mara Ecosystem Management Plan, the County Government of Narok Physical & Land Use Development Plan. 

Park entry fees will no longer be charged based on the location of the Camp or Lodge at which one is staying in the Reserve,  But Rather;

As from 1st January 2024- 30th June 2024

The Entrance fee was confirmed by the Narok County government to be increased to; 100 USD per Non-resident Adult per day.

As from 1st July 2025- 31st Dec 2024

The Entrance fee was confirmed by the Narok County government to be increased to 200 USD per Non-resident Adult per day.

Children Rate From 01st JAN 2024 to 31st DEC 2024 

The charges will be USD 50 per day per child ( 3 to 11 years of age at the time of entry).  

Exit Timing

Please note the time Validity of the Tickets was effected from 1st July 2023 to a 12hrs period from 24hrs Period. The park is open for Guests from 6 am – 6 pm.

Guest Staying in the Inside Park Hotels and Camps are required to exit the park before 10.00 am if transiting via the Road. Failure to exit at the given time will attract an additional day’s entry fees.

Guests Departing by air residing both inside and outside the reserve are required to arrive at the airstrip before 10.00 am. Extension beyond this time will be considered an additional day entry park fees.

Mode of Payment

Cash or cashless payment in Dollars or Ksh is accepted if you enter through the Masai Mara National Reserve Sekenani, Talek, Musiara, and Oloolamutia Gates.

Please note if you are entering the park through the western side of the reserve, named Mara Triangle – Mara Conservancy area, only cashless payment is accepted ( either Visa / Mastercard or Mpesa Mobile Money). 

Park Rules 

      1. Please maintain a speed limit of 50 k/hrs. for graded roads and 30k/hr. for all weather roads
      2.  Slow down for Wild animals when pass around them
      3. Maintain a 25 m distance from the animals
      4.  Do not cheer, clap or shout in the park
      5.  Don’t sit or stand on top of the safari vehicle roof top
      6.  Do not alight from the vehicle around animals crossing river points
      7.  Do not cross the Tanzania border as Tanzania Charges will be applied
      8.  Don’t chase or Harass Wild animals
      9.  Avoid Littering the park
      10. Exit the Park by 6pm and be in the Hotel/Camp by 7pm

If any of the above rules are violated the Mara Conservancy have the rights to:

  • Impose an on-spot  penalty of  Ksh. 10,000
  • Ban the vehicle and /or people  from the park with immediate effect

Masai Mara Safari Tour Packages

In case you are wondering how much it will cost you to go to Masai Mara for a tour? The good news is that most Masai Mara Safari packages already include the entry fee, so you don’t have to worry about paying the Entrance fee by yourself.

Below are some of the Safari packages you can consider from;

3Days 2Nights: Maasai Mara Safari guide from Nairobi (Budget)

3Days 2Nights: Maasai Mara Safari guide from Nairobi (Budget)

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
3 days12
3Days 2Nights: Maasai Mara Safari guide from Nairobi (Budget1)

3Days 2Nights: Maasai Mara Safari guide from Nairobi (Budget1)

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
3 days12
4Days 3Nights: Mara-Nakuru (Budget)

4Days 3Nights: Mara-Nakuru (Budget)

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
4 days12